25 Weeks

A sweet, sweet woman (and I mean that) I know asked me today how much longer I had to go.  “A month and a half?” she asked.  Oh no!  I have 15 weeks to go…that’s more than 3 months!  What does this mean about how big I’m going to be in the end?  Am I going to be one of those women who can’t even roll herself out of bed at 9 months?  When its time for the baby to come are they going to have to get a team of people in the house to get me out of there?  Yikes.

On to other things.  I still feel pretty good, other than continuing heartburn.  Last night I woke up around 3 and didn’t fall asleep again until about 6, so that wasn’t too fun.  Baby Z is still moving around every now and then with spurts in the late morning and evenings.

A friend of mine had her baby Jack in May.  I saw them earlier this week and I realized something.  From the time Jack was born until now is the same amount of time we have to wait for Baby Z.  And that doesn’t seem like such a long time anymore!  That thought freaked me out a little bit, but I’ve calmed down a bit since then.  15 weeks is still a pretty good amount of time to get ready for baby, right?

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