
Monday: Today was “pink day” at school and since the only shirt I could find on Sunday afternoon was a girls t-shirt at old navy, that is what he wore.  But I personally think he pulled it off flawlessly.  Before picking Carson up from school I went to the grocery store.  It was raining when we went in and raining even harder on the way out.  Of course I didn’t have an umbrella.  Betsy and I both looked pretty terrific when we went to get Carson.

Tuesday: I cannot for the life of me remember what we did today.

Wednesday: Carson celebrated Valentine’s Day at school and came home with a bag of Valentine’s from his friends.  It made me look forward to decorating his (and Betsy’s) Valentine’s boxes for school in a few years.  After bringing Carson to school I drove in to Houston to run some errands and met up with Carrie for lunch before heading back to get Carson.  Betsy was a trooper with all the driving and in an out of the carseat.

Thursday: Ran some errands in the morning, trying to look around and gather things for the room Carson and Betsy will share and for the baby’s room.  Sometimes I just sit in there with the pillows I bought as inspiration and try to somehow be enlightened as to what to do with the room.  The problem for me really is that I’ll have an idea for something, like a rug, and when I try to find it I realize it’s going to cost me a couple hundred dollars, and I’m just not doing that for a kids room.  Call me practical, or call me cheap.  I just won’t do it.  So I’m just going to have to keep searching, and try to pull it all together.  Then we got Carson’s hair cut!  Finally!  He did a really great job this time.

Friday: Made the great decision of buying groceries at Whole Foods at lunchtime on Valentine’s Day.  It was a mad house.  But we made it out alive with only being looked at in “that way” by a few people.  I also picked up my new camera lens!  Best Valentine’s gift ever.  I cleaned up and organized some things I’d been putting off and tonight Ben and I ate dinner together (at the table!) for Valentine’s Day and watched the Olympics.  That’s as romantic as it gets around here.

Saturday:  It is finally sunny and warm, so we spent the morning at the park, came home for lunch and opened all the windows.  Ben took a bike ride, I took a nap.  Betsy wasn’t feeling well this afternoon, and that was tough on everyone.  Ben grilled burgers and all of us ate dinner together, something that doesn’t happen too often.

Sunday: Church, searched for a rug while Ben stayed home with the kids.  Betsy took a short nap and woke up unhappy.  I think she’s either getting a tooth or has allergies, I’m feeling pretty yucky too (sneezing a lot and a runny nose) and I think that’s what it is.  We all took a walk before dinner.  Carson ate with Ben and me after Betsy went to bed.  I think I might start having him do that more often, eating what we’re eating for dinner and sitting with us at the table.


Carson on Pink Day


Carson took some self portraits.

photo 2 (39)

Betsy helped me push the cart.

photo 4 (11)

Carson helped me unbuckle Betsy.

photo 5 (9)

Carson used his Valentine’s Candy to make a driving track for his Valentine’s cars.

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