
Monday: Family trip to Target!  I can’t believe we made it out alive!  It was actually really enjoyable and everyone did a great job.


And here is a sweet picture of the boys after Ben got home from work.


Tuesday: Today was hard.  We didn’t go anywhere, which makes things more difficult.  We all get tired of each other!  I looked at the clock at one point and wanted to cry.  I just wanted it to be over.  We played outside for a while, thinking that would get some energy out for the kids and change things up a bit.  They had fun outside, but when we came inside for lunch they were both still kind of irritable.  I put them down earlier than normal for naps, thinking that would help.  But they both just got up earlier and were still in rotten moods.  I was glad when Ben got home and when the kids were in bed.

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Wednesday: Since Monday was better than Tuesday I figured an outing would be a good idea.  I needed to go to HEB so off we went.  I knew we were in for trouble when we got out of the car and I realized I had to put Christopher in the baby wrap and then get two kids out of the car, into the store and then into the cart.  Lifting up a 35 pound child while having a wiggling infant strapped to you is not easy.  Partway into the trip Christopher started to cry, so I carried him out of the wrap the rest of the time.  When we checkout out I was sweating.  This trip was not as lovely as Target.  The rest of the day was ok.



Thursday:  Another day at home.  Getting to the end of it without breaking down was my only goal, and that was achieved.  Kate and Claire drove in tonight.


Friday: So thankful for the help and company of Kate and Claire today!  It makes such a difference to have the extra hands and support.  We had a fun morning, and after the kids had lunch they let me take a grocery trip by myself.  It was so nice to be alone!  They headed home after the kids went down for naps.


Saturday:  Ben had to go in to work today, but did spend some time with us this morning.  The day was fine.  We went to McDonald’s and picked up lunch because we needed to get out!  Carson calls it old McDonald’s and I don’t correct him. Christopher was a little fussier than normal and didn’t take his typical afternoon nap.  When I did finally get him to sleep in the swing in the living room I really wanted to get the house vacuumed.  I took my chances and he slept through it all!  My parents came down today.



Sunday: Ben worked again today.  Dad, the older kids and I took a walk to the park this morning while mom stayed with Christopher.  It was so humid and there was no breeze.  We were all pretty uncomfortable and the kids didn’t put up a fight when we told them it was time to walk home.  During naps my mom helped me put together a cake for Daring Bakers.  After naps mom and I took a trip to Target.

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