Christopher: 1 Month

Our little man is 1 month old today!  Hard to believe.


I got this Jelly Cats raccoon to take pictures with him during his first year.  It’s pretty darling.


Since he doesn’t have a 1 month well check I weighed him myself on the scale by weighing myself (eek!) and then myself while I held him.  We’ve got him at 10 1/2 pounds.

Christopher has been a good baby so far.  He’s had a few fussy evenings where we’ve had trouble getting him to sleep and we’re pretty sure it was gas.  In general he’s just chilled out and can be consoled by being held, changing positions, being fed or getting a diaper change.  He also likes the pacifier and may end up being the only one of our kids who will end up taking one.

He is wearing 0-3 month clothes and wasn’t in newborn clothing for very long.

He is wearing size 1 diapers.  I forgot just how many diapers little babies go through!  During one nighttime feeding I changed his diaper 3 times.

He gets up twice and sometimes three times at night.  We put him down around 8 or 9 and he will sleep until midnight or 1, then up at 3 or 4, then up at 6 or 7.  We’ve had some nights that are better than this and some worse.  He still takes frequent naps and eats every 2-3 hours during the day.  For the last couple of weeks his afternoon nap is his longest, which coincides with the kids a lot of the time so I am usually guaranteed an hour or so to myself in the afternoon.

Christopher is quite a smily baby and is starting to “coo” more lately which is really fun.  I’m looking forward to seeing him change  and become more baby-like this next month!



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