
Kate and Steve took Ben to the airport Sunday night, so from Sunday night until Tuesday afternoon we were on our own.  I like that my time alone has been in small doses interrupted by amazing visits from family!

Tuesday my mom came down in the afternoon, just in time for Chick-fil-A!  That night I went to the airport and picked up Lisa, Randy, Maren and Kasper!  we picked up pizza for dinner and had fun watching Carson interact with Maren and Kasper.  Randy said that when he saw Kasper he said something like, “Kasper, look at you!” which I know is something I have said to cute kids.  Carson did a great job sharing.

On Wednesday we played outside in the morning.  I went out to fill up the baby pool and thought “It’s not too hot today, it kind of feels nice with the breeze.”  Lisa came out and said, “It is miserable here.”  I guess when you’ve been living in what a friend of mine calls, “The armpit of Texas” you get used to the nastiness that is August.  The kids had a good time.  Lisa bought matching suits for Betsy and Maren. Mom convinced Carson and Maren that cleaning to playhouse was fun :) Randy got to go see the Dynamo practice and talk to some of the players.  Lisa and I got to go get pedicures.  It was so wonderful.  So far I have had sister dates to the same nail place sitting in the same chairs with two of my sisters.  I feel like now I just have to go with Lindsey and my mom.  When we finished I called my mom to check in.  Every child in our house was peacefully sleeping.  Cue the angels singing!  That night we ate empanadas and Carson and Maren played their new Paw Patrol game on the ipad.

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On Thursday we hung out around the house and got ready to head to round Rock.  Mom, Lisa and I did some 30-day shred and Betsy joined us.  Pretty cute to watch her imitate us.  We left for Round Rock around 1.  Lisa rode in the van with me and the kids.  I really enjoy road trip conversations, especially when the kids are sleeping.  Uninterrupted time to just talk.  We stopped at Weikels to feed the baby, take a bathroom break and of course get some baked goods.  We finally made it to Round Rock.  Sarah came out after work and we ate Chuy’s for dinner.  Christopher had a little rough patch tonight,  but finally calmed down and slept fine the rest of the night.  This was the only sleep trouble we had while we were here.  He is a pretty easy baby.

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On Friday mom went to work and the rest of us went to the pool.  In the afternoon Lisa and Randy both went to run errands.  Lisa’s 20th high school reunion was this weekend, so they all went to a dinner tonight.  Lindsey drove in from Dallas tonight and Sarah came out again, so we were all together!

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On Saturday…I do not remember everything about today. (I wrote most of this post a week ago, and then I took 8 days away and now my brain is no good!)  I’ll do my best.  We went to the pool again.  Carson got in with my dad instead of just staying on the first step.  That was a big deal and I am so proud of him.  Tonight Lisa and Randy had an event for the reunion the kids stayed with us.




On Sunday, Lisa took Randy to the airport and then went to see Sarah’s place.  My mom, the kids and I met them at the Thinkery.  It was kind of crazy keeping up with everyone, but it was fun and I’d like to take my kids again (maybe not on a weekend day).  After that we ate lunch at the HEB near there.  Kale salad was not a hit with Sarah and Lisa, but I ate all of mine!  Tonight we all (minus kiddos) had Gatti’s, drank beer and watch Annie Hall.

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I am so glad that my kids got to spend some time with the Kims.  Usually there are a bunch of us and the interactions are different with all the kids together.  This was the first time I got to see Maren and Carson really play together and they did a pretty good job.  Kasper and Betsy kind of played together, but not really.  I think part of that is being younger, and they’re both more interested in what the older ones are doing.

And some extras from the week.

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