



Do you ever have days as a mother when you are just head over heels in love with your kid?  Not that you aren’t always, but for some reason, on some days, you just can’t get enough of them and every single thing they do amazes and impresses you and makes you want to cry tears of joy?  Had enough sappy talk?  Ok.

Today with Carson was such fun.  He seemed to be extra smart and sweet and wonderful.  I wish I’d written down all the funny and notable things he said and did today.  He was sweet and gentle with Betsy.  He seemed to understand me better than usual, and he expressed himself very well.  While I was bathing Betsy he took out some foam letters and started naming them.  And he got them all RIGHT!  When did this happen?  At every meal he said, “Scused, please.” before getting down.  When Ben got home we all sat outside and watched him play and he was telling us all about what he was doing using pretty close to full sentences the whole time.  Add to all that his general cuteness and funny antics and I’m pretty sure you’ve made the perfect toddler.  For today anyway!  The only bad thing I can say about him today was that he screamed bloody murder through his entire haircut.  But doesn’t he look handsome?  I love this boy.

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  1. Jennifer

    I think it’s on these days that God is honoring our efforts as moms and showing us that these hard days will soon pass and that our kids really aren’t little monsters:) Just my opionion, of course. I could be totally off.

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