Almond Heart Danish with Browned Butter Glaze
Grand plans were made to post some lovely pink hued macarons in honor of Valentine’s Day! In my mind they were beautiful and delicious and enviable. How hard could macarons be, anyway? I’m pretty knowledgeable when it comes to baking. I’d say I’m an advanced amateur. And I’m seeing macarons everywhere. If all of those people can make them, then I can. You know what happens when you start thinking like that? You get humbled. Big time. I overestimated my kitchen abilities and wound up with some cracked and foot-less macarons. Apparently macaron baking is a skill that requires practice. Hats off to those of you who make them well. You have my respect forever and always. So I will keep working on my macaron making. Maybe some day you’ll see a post on them! That is if I don’t get too discouraged and give up. Sometimes I do that…
Instead of finicky macarons I went with something I am more comfortable and familiar with, pastry! This would make a lovely Valentine’s breakfast. You can bake it the day before and then just warm it up in the oven briefly before glazing. You could also let it do the second rise overnight in the fridge and bake it in the morning.