Sweet Saturday: Candy Bar Blondies Experiment
Last week I made 3 batches of blondies hoping to create something irresistibly delicious. I originally planned on making a Candy Bar Blondie with a variety of candy bars chopped into chocolate chip sized pieces. I used a basic blondie recipe and then just replaced the chips and buts with the candy pieces.
Attempt #1 resulted in a yummy treat filled with chopped Snickers, Rolos, Reeses and Twix. The problem was that the edges rose up on the sides and stayed there after the blondies cooled creating a sunken and sad looking baked good. A blondie sinkhole. I used a metal 8×8 inch pan which I’d greased. The middle of the blondies were incredibly gooey, but the edges were hard and caramelized. Hmmm. I decided to try again.
Attempt #2 used the same combination of candy bars, sans the Twix because I ran out. I tried to bake this one in a glass pan which I greased and floured. I assumed the problem was my baking pan preparation. Same basic recipe. New pan. Same problem. Intriguing…and a tad bit frustrating.