Nilla Wafer Cake
What has happened to me? Why did I make Kraft macaroni and cheese for Ben and a frozen Healthy Choice meal for myself for dinner last week? Because I am a new mommy, and that means I am kind of a mess. To all those mothers of newborns who have it together, I envy and admire you. Everyone is telling me it will get better…I hope they’re right.
I’m not cooking anything really worth posting about. And even if I was, I don’t really have time to post! I really miss my kitchen.
This recipe caught my eye on a few weeks ago, right after Carson was born. My mom even bought a box of Nilla Wafers that day so that we could make it, but we didn’t have a chance. Ben and I were having company last night, so I decided to try it out.
I wasn’t too impressed with this, but the people who ate it were very nice to be complimentary! It wasn’t very sweet, and the texture was quite dense and a little rubbery.
So, I went and looked at the recipe again. I FORGOT THE SUGAR! 2 C UPS OF SUGAR! Maybe the lack of sleep is catching up with me. Maybe it was just a result of my haste to get this made while Carson slept. Whatever the explanation for my mistake, it was a bad one. This ranks up there with making a cup of coffee at my parents house over Christmas with one of those Tassimo makers and putting the mug upside down. I have lost my mind.
I might try it warmed up in the microwave or possibly toasted with some butter. I will probably try this again sometime. I like the idea of the using the cookie crumbs as the flour, and I am interested to see the difference 2 cups of sugar makes.
Nilla Wafer Cake
- 6 whole eggs
- 3.5 oz can of coconut (if you use bagged sweetened flaked coconut, just use 1 cup)
- 1/2 cup milk
- 12 ounce box vanilla wafers, crushed
- 2 C sugar
- 1 C chopped pecans
- Beat eggs well.
- Mix wafers and all other ingredients into eggs.
- Pour into greased and floured tube pan.
- Bake at 350 for one hour or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.
January 10, 2011 @ 8:14 pm
Oh goody! Keep it up and you might catch up to me!! (Did I ever tell you about the time my grandma accidentally used salt instead of sugar in a lemon pie? It was not a good substitution.) You know, Deb from Smitten Kitchen stopped posting for a while after she had a baby, too, so you’re in good company.
January 10, 2011 @ 8:48 pm
Thanks, Kate! Carson and I are excited to see you this weekend 🙂